The Director General of the Agriculture Department, Mr Bounchan Kombounyasith (second from right), checks whether apples have been contaminated with chemicals alongside technical officers at Taladlao Market in Xaythany district, Vientiane, on Thursday. |
Authorities promote clean veggies, fruits at Vientiane markets
The government is aiming to build confidence among consumers of vegetables and fruits sold at markets in Vientiane by launching a series of tests to detect contamination in domestic and imported produce.
To ensure food safety for consumers, the Agriculture Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in collaboration with the Vientiane Agriculture and Forestry Department and the Plants Protection Centre, launched the first testing activity at Taladlao Market in Xaythany district of Vientiane on Thursday.
The launch ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Agriculture Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Mr Bounchan Kombounyasith, the Deputy Director of Vientiane’s Agriculture and Forestry Department, Mr Bouakham Sisongkham, representatives of the market management team and local traders.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Bouakham said the testing of vegetables and fruits is a priority for building confidence regarding food safety among consumers. It is also part of efforts to implement the government’s policy to promote domestic products.
“It is a technical test to promote food safety for consumers and to boost the government policy on domestic production. This activity will continue to be implemented at various major fresh markets in Vientiane,” he said.
Mr Bouakham said similar activities were recently carried out in Xaysettha, Sisattanak and Chanthabouly districts in Vientiane, and several training courses on contaminated vegetables and fruits were held for agriculture officials of the nine districts of Vientiane.
“According to the plan, this activity will be implemented at the remaining markets in districts of Vientiane after today’s official kick off at Taladlao Market in Saphangmeuk village ,” he added.
At the same event, Mr Bounchan also said the ultimate goal of the ministry is to promote domestic products in order to reduce the quantity of imported goods.
“Both domestic and imported products will require a test for contamination to meet the two standards for green and clean agriculture produce,” he said.
Cooperation from market owners and traders is required to ensure the implementation of this practical action efficiently and regularly.
He said there should be a standby checking unit at various fresh markets in Vientiane to serve the requirements of buyers who may wish to get their products tested.
In the past, there was a large volume of contaminated products, notably tainted food, vegetables and fruits imported into Laos, and this resulted in escalating concerns among people over long-term health risks.
The government has encouraged officials to reinforce their inspections to protect the interests of consumers and to punish those violating the law.
Buyers say some traders use chemicals on vegetables and formalin in seafood and meats to make them more attractive to customers. Therefore, regular inspections with necessary testing equipment is required to tackle this problem.
By Times Reporters
(Latest Update August 19, 2022) |