Why is family planning important?
According to studies, women who bear more than four children and those who get pregnant after the age of 35 face increased health risks, and could benefit from family planning. With today being World Population Day, Vientiane Times asked members of the public for their opinions on birth spacing and the benefits to families as a whole.
Ms Hong Latsamy, a government official in Luang Prabang province: I think family planning has many benefits, mainly by enabling women to choose how many children they have. This is likely to result in better health and survival of mothers and children, a reduction in poverty, and a better educated population. Family planning can help a couple or an individual decide on what’s best for their reproductive health. By carefully spacing pregnancies, a couple can build financial security, allowing them to raise a family that they can properly care for. A family that is properly cared for is a healthy family, and a healthy family is the foundation of a healthy community.
Mr Amvongxay Sacklienchan, a government official in Vientiane: Family planning allows a couple to control the number of pregnancies and choose the right time to have a child. Family planning helps women to control the timing and spacing of their pregnancies. This freedom to choose when and when not to have a baby significantly reduces a woman’s risk of serious health consequences and possibly death, and provides her with much-needed time to restore her health in between pregnancies. Additionally, women who have a chronic illness can better plan and prepare for the best time to start a family.
Mr Saengpan, a businessman in Saravan province: I think it’s most important that everyone understands this matter, especially young people in rural areas. Doctors often advise women to wait for about two years after giving birth before getting pregnant again, so they can care for their baby and regain their strength to prepare for a new pregnancy. But, in reality, some women get pregnant again only 7-8 months after giving birth. I think health professionals should provide more information about sexual and reproductive health services for young people, so as to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies.
Ms Kita Simueng, a government official in Xayaboury province: Family planning is beneficial for family finances, as well as women’s mental and physical health. It takes into consideration parents’ ability to provide for their children’s present and future needs, including the medical costs of pregnancy and delivery, as well as children’s education, their food, clothing, shelter, etc. Couples should make informed decisions about how many children it’s advisable to have, based on their income and circumstances. Women should be able to control their pregnancies, and delay childbirth until a suitable time. And of course the use of contraceptives means fewer abortions.
Ms Sounvanny, an employee in Xaythany district, Vientiane: I have read about the benefits of the use of condoms, which prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, as well as preventing pregnancy. Contraception reduces adolescent and teenage pregnancies, which have a higher chance of resulting in preterm delivery, low baby weight, and neonatal mortality. Pregnancy at a young age also negatively affects the health of the mother and poses long-term consequences for her and her family, such as interrupting her education and limiting her opportunities to advance in life.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update July 11, 2022) |