What do you think about the suspension of school fees in Luang Prabang?
Education authorities in Luang Prabang province have instructed government schools not to charge fees, in a bid to encourage more families to send their children to school. If any school is in need of money for urgent renovation, this should be charged only in agreement with parents and the village administration. Vientiane Times asked some members of the public for their thoughts on this unusual move.
Ms Sakhone Soutthichack, a resident of Xaythany district, Vientiane: I congratulate the authorities on making this bold decision to encourage more families to send their children to school. It’s especially beneficial for the poorest families, and will be a big help at a time when we are all suffering financial hardship. I hope this ruling will continue in future years, and that the authorities will ensure it is implemented comprehensively and fairly, so that more children enrol in school. I think poor people will be pleased with this policy and will watch to see how effective it is.
Mr Kikeo Keomala, a resident of Savannakhet province: As we know, the price of almost everything has risen while people’s incomes remain low. School fees have also gone up because of the knock-on effects from other price rises. I think it’s a good idea to suspend school fees during this time of economic hardship, as life is particularly difficult for people who have several children. I’d like the authorities to waive fee in all state schools, to help people who are struggling financially. And private schools should charge lower prices for poor families and those who have many children.
Ms Thip, a resident of Luang Prabang province: It’s good news but it’s taken a long time for this decision to be made public, and it’s a bit late in the day. I’ve already paid my children’s school fees, which amounted to 250,000 kip. I hope the school will refund the money in view of this announcement. Everything has increased in price, including school fees, uniforms, textbooks, notebooks, stationery and other items. I think this special policy will be good news for people with large families and those who are poor. It will be good to get more children into school by cutting household expenses at this difficult time.
Ms Vilaivone Manivong, a student at the National University of Laos: I would like to give a million thanks to the authorities for making this decision, because there are many families in my village who are very poor and are unemployed. If this policy is carried out effectively, parents and their children will all be happy. It will ease the burden on impoverished families. I urge education authorities to roll out this policy rapidly and fairly, to ensure that poor families get the help they need urgently.
Mr Phisith Vannala, a government official in Borikhamxay province: It’s a good thing that poor families will be given a helping hand at a time when everyone is short of money. There are many children who aren’t attending school, mostly those from poor families. Because of the economic downturn, the price of everything has risen and we all have to pay more for rent, water, electricity, food and other essentials. If we can avoid having to pay school fees, it will make life a little easier for everyone. I urge the government to suspend the payment of school fees all across the country.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update September 12, 2022) |