What are your thoughts on the standard of driving in Laos?
The number of road traffic accidents is increasing, with the latest tragedy involving a tour bus which was involved in a collision that killed six people and injured many others. Traffic police are constantly issuing warnings about road safety but nothing seems to change. Vientiane Times asked for opinions on the hazards of driving in Laos and what should be done to remedy the situation.
Ms Mountha Thalangsy, a resident of Luang Prabang province: Accidents are a big problem in Laos. Many lives are lost in road accidents every year. Most of those who die are young, and the main cause of accidents is speeding. Many youngsters under the age of 18 drive too fast and often use their mobile phones while driving. Another problem is that most drivers don’t pay attention to safety. I hope that this situation will soon be remedied.
Ms Chansamai, a resident of Savannakhet province: I often read about people dying in road accidents. Most of these accidents are caused by reckless driving, including speeding. There are usually more accidents in the wet season. I think motorists should check road conditions before making a long journey at this time of the year and also make sure their vehicles are in good mechanical condition. If roads are slippery after heavy rain, there’s a much greater risk of accidents. The authorities should strictly enforce the law when it comes to bad driving and there should be more police on the streets issuing fines.
Mr Jo, a government official in Xaythany district, Vientiane: I think it will be very difficult to turn things around because it seems that the law is poorly enforced and most drivers simply refuse to comply with the regulations. Many people don’t understand or even know about the regulations as they haven’t had driving lessons, and the authorities are lax in implementing the rules. The authorities should run more publicity campaigns to inform people about the regulations and, more importantly, make sure that everyone complies with them.
Ms Manisakhon Khantry, a government official in Vientiane: I’m very sad when I read about road accidents. People die on our roads almost every day, but it’s not surprising because the behaviour of some drivers is very dangerous. I think a lot of things need changing and improving, especially people’s attitude and sense of responsibility. The regulations need to be more strictly enforced, while some traffic lights haven’t been working for a long time and no one seems to be doing anything about it. There are also lots of roads that don’t have streetlights. Some roads have poles but no lights. All of these things increase the risk of accidents and other problems.
Ms Lounny, a resident of Luang Namtha province: The number of vehicles on our roads increases every year, which means the authorities should make sure roads are in good condition. In addition, it’s essential that all drivers respect the regulations and don’t take risks. Drinking and driving is one of the main causes of accidents, and most of these incidents happen at night. I urge the police to carry out more alcohol checks on drivers at night, and penalise them if they are over the limit. Another problem is that most drivers don’t pay attention to safety measures, such as wearing a helmet and using seatbelts. I think all drivers should pay greater attention to safety to cut the risk of accidents. Driver education should begin at home and in the classroom, with discipline encouraged by parents and teachers.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update August 5, 2022) |